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Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held May 11–12, 2017, at Barnett House in Edmonton
1. Authorized the president to notify the minister of education of Council’s decision to withdraw from its representation on all regional consortia effective June 30, 2017.
2. Named Robert Mazzotta, executive staff officer, Member Services, to the position of co-ordinator, Member Services, effective Aug. 1, 2017.
3. Approved eight resolutions for submission to the 2017 Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) related to current testing issues and approved the report on resolution 2-6/16 for distribution to the 2017 ARA.
4. Named one individual to be nominated to serve as trustee-at-large of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Trust Fund for a three-year term.
5. Approved the Association’s delegation to the 2017 Canadian Forum on Public Education, taking place in Ottawa, Ontario, July 10–11, 2017.
6. Authorized that the teacher Classroom Improvement Fund Committee be a subcommittee of the Economic Policy Committee (EPC) with membership drawn from the EPC and augmented, if necessary, through the appointment of a teacher with a school-based administrative designation; where appropriate, an administrator in student services or inclusive education; and other teachers required to ensure appropriate geographic and/or division representation.
7. Approved that, where necessary, bargaining units be provided grants-in-aid to cover costs of teacher representatives on Classroom Improvement Fund committee.
8. Approved a contribution to MediaSmarts to help sponsor Media Literacy Week, scheduled for Nov. 6–11, 2017.
9. Approved a donation to Canada Without Poverty to support its ongoing work to end poverty in Canada.
10. Received the report of a hearing committee, which found a teacher guilty of three charges of unprofessional conduct for ingesting an illicit drug, indecently exposing him- or herself, and trespassing at night, thus failing to maintain the honour and dignity of the profession, contrary to section 18 of the Code of Professional Conduct. The hearing committee imposed a penalty of a letter of severe reprimand, a declaration of ineligibility for membership in the Association for two years and a recommendation to the minister of education to suspend the teacher’s teaching certificate for two years.
11. Approved Electoral Ballot 1 of 2017 and its accompanying explanatory note for distribution to the membership in September 2017.
12. Approved amendments to the Standard Constitution for Convention Associations.
13. Approved amendments to the Administrative Guidelines by deleting two discontinued practices.
14. Approved changes to convention assignments, based on teachers’ requested changes, for members of Unité locale francophone No. 24 who work for Conseil scolaire FrancoSud to Palliser District Teachers’ Convention Association, Southeastern Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association or South Western Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association, beginning in the 2018/19 school year.
15. Amended the constitutions of North Central Teachers’ Convention Association, Palliser District Teachers’ Convention Association and South Western Alberta Teachers’ Convention Association to reflect the changes to convention assignments for members of Unité locale francophone No. 24 who work for Conseil scolaire FrancoSud, beginning in the 2018/19 school year.
16. Approved an Association-hosted meeting of the Joint Committee on Practicum.
17. Approved the name of one individual for inclusion in the Economic Consultants’ name bank.
18. Approved Council committee and representation assignments for 2017/18. ❚